Glonass Module (High Sensitivity)

The GPS/GLONASS Navigation RECEIVER GL-NDV68E is a high end 24-channel GPS/GLONASS receiver provides continuous all-in-view navigation satellite tracking.

There are three modes of satellite tracking:

The Mode I is system-primary and automatically selected: receiver channels track all GLONASS satellites in view, the rest channels track GPS satellites.
Other modes are available upon pilot selection:

Mode II: tracking of all GLONASS satellites in view;

Mode III: tracking of all GPS satellites in view.

The digital receiver computes position, updates ten times a second, measures position to 15 meters RMS, and measures velocity to 0.1 m/s RMS.

Main processing functions, handled by the GL-NDV68E, include:
GPS position and velocity sensing
the Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring (RAIM), required for Non Precision Approach, Terminal and En Route stages of flight; the Fault Detection and Exclusion Algorithms (FDE) detect and remove erroneous measurements, providing digital interfacing. GL-NDV68E can use real-time RTCM differential correction for GLONASS and GPS. Advanced signal-processing techniques, such as Differential GNSS and Kinematics Carrier-Phase Tracking will allow GNSS systems to be certified for Category (CAT) I, II Precision Approaches in the future.

Features24-channel continuous tracking receiver. Three modes of tracking:
The Mode I is system-primary and automatically selected: tracking off all GLONASS satellites in view, free channels track GPS satellites.Other modes are available upon pilot selection:

The Mode II: tracking off all GLONASS satellites in view;

The Mode III: tracking off all GPS satellites in view. LI frequency, C/A Code GLONASS and GPS, digital processing (WAAS/EGNOS in future)Four-dimensional navigationExpanded digital interfacing capabilities.
